Midwest Karate Logo
The Midwest Karate logo appears to be popular among many karate clubs, but did you ever wonder where the Midwest Karate Logo came from?
This logo was developed for the Midwest Karate Club and Marr in 1970 by a former student and friend, Kenn White.
During his study in a Commercial Arts course, Mr. White asked to use Marr help him out in a photography project. From the resulting photo (as seen above), he then designed the well-known logo. It has been the property of Jerry Marr, and used by Midwest Karate Winnipeg since.
The logo and (or parts of it/the kick) has been used by non-affiliated groups in various provinces without permission, but, knowing the history of the logo, you have now been informed of its background.
For example; the Dakota Karate Club in South Winnipeg uses the figure (flying side kick) in its logo and if you check closely, it’s an exact copy. The instructor Kelly Neale was a former student of Marr Sensei and McKenzie Sensei of Midwest Earl Grey Karate Club.
Additionally, the Midwest Karate Club in Regina uses the logo in whole but has no connection with this organization; and the Midwest Karate in Waterloo, Ontario at the Seaway Mall also uses the logo in whole and it too, has no connection with this body.
The instructor of the above Dojos, Rick Jorgensen, was a former student of Sensei Marr. Sensei Marr first met Rick Jorgensen at a seminar in Regina, Saskatchewan. In 1976, Marr Sensei had been invited to conduct a technical seminar as the dojo (Freedom School of Karate under the direction of Leroy Krassman) wanted to join the JKA in Canada. Mr. Jorgensen, then a green belt was training in Saskatoon under Sensei Dwight Scheer of Scheer’s Karate.
Other Dojos/Persons using the Midwest Karate Logo or parts thereof that have no connection with this body or organization are:
Midwest Karate sites that have the “my shotokan” at the bottom of each page and advertise video clips of various events. These are also not related to this organization.
Member Dojos of JKA Canada are permitted to use the Midwest Karate name and Logo by permisssion of Marr Sensei.